Eight Vows

Eight Vows

Artist:Rose Salane


22 March, 2024--26 May, 2024

TANK Shanghai, Shanghai, China



TANK Shanghai is pleased to present “Eight Vows”, Rose Salane’s first solo exhibition in China. The exhibition opens on March 23, 2024 and runs through May 26,2024.


Eight Vows is a series of eight photographs that documents confetti used at wedding ceremonies held at the Marriage Bureau at City Hall in New York City. This site is located in the Civic Center neighborhood of lower Manhattan, an area of government buildings which include City Hall, the New York Supreme Court, and the United States Courthouse. From Monday through Friday, hundreds of couples enter and exit the government building, each to be married by the state of New York. The couples’ families and loved ones wait outside on the steps of the building to throw confetti. At the end of each day, after the ceremonies are over, Salane collects the confetti that accumulated.



Artist Rose Salane at TANK Shanghai



Artist Rose Salane is giving an exhibition tour for the audience


For Salane, the confetti piles are sets of dynamic object accumulations that reflect the impact of promise, hope and future through a ritual. Each photograph is titled with the date the confetti was collected. In some photographs, a mixture of confetti is seen, reflecting several marriage ceremonies. Other days, just one type of confetti is found. For Salane, there is an energy inherent in the collected confetti in that it documents the exact moment of an era for a couple in the city. Salane began this object collection in May of 2023 and plans to continue it as a ritual and a love poem to the city.




Exhibition view of "Eight Vows"




About Artist:



Rose Salane is an artist living and working in New York, NY. In her practice, Salane places systems of value and exchange, alongside sentiment and loss, to reflect on the conditions that shape life in cities. In her installations, Salane uses what she calls ‘dynamic sets of objects’––accumulations of recovered items from individuals or institutions that reveal complex relationships and negotiations towards a time period and a place. By identifying value in these object sets and incorporating them into her work, Salane traces the enigmatic movements present in everyday life, from economic loss and regeneration to personal narratives holding extensive political histories.